英 [ˈvedʒtəbl] 美 [ˈvɛdʒtəbl]
n. 蔬菜;植物;植物人
adj. 蔬菜的;植物的
vegetable salad 蔬菜沙拉 ; 素沙拉 ; 蔬菜色拉 ; 什菜沙拉
Mixed Vegetable 炒杂菜 ; 什锦蔬菜 ; 混合蔬菜 ; 混合菜
Vegetable Prawns 时菜虾
The land is cultivated with rice, cotton and vegetable.
地里种着水稻、 棉花和蔬菜。
Can I have some fruit and some vegetable,please.
你说的“菜”指的是“蔬菜”吧? 如果是的话,蔬菜的翻译是“vegetable” 其中包括: eggplant 茄子 carrot 胡萝卜 cabbage 白菜 ……
闽南菜,也被称为闽菜,是中国八大菜系之一。闽南菜的英文名称是“Min Nan cuisine”,它是由闽南地区的方言和烹饪技术相结合而形成的。闽南菜以其独特的口味和丰富的菜品而闻名,它融合了南方的甜、辣、酸和海鲜的鲜美。
Mei Cai Kou Rou First of all, wash the pork belly clean, add plum vegetables wash, set aside.Then add the plum vegetables and fry them in the oil.Then put the meat and plum vegetables together and steam them.
特价菜 [tè jià cài]
[名] (restaurant) specialty of the day;
Tow specials, charbroiled steak and leg of lamb.
- 注重选材:浙江菜追求食材的新鲜和品质,尤其是海鲜和江鲜。
- 讲究刀工:浙江菜的烹饪需要精细的切割和刀工技巧,以保持食材的原汁原味。
- 注重火候:浙江菜烹饪时讲究火候的掌握,以保持食材的鲜嫩香甜。
- 口味多样:浙江菜以其口感鲜美、清淡爽口、甜中带酸的特点而闻名。
- 注重营养:浙江菜讲究菜肴的营养搭配,以满足人们对美味和健康的追求。
Zhejiang Cuisine - The Essence of Eastern Chinese CookingZhejiang Cuisine, one of the eight major culinary traditions of China, hails from the prosperous province of Zhejiang in the southern region. Renowned for its unique cooking techniques and flavors, Zhejiang Cuisine offers a delectable journey that captivates food enthusiasts around the world. In this article, we delve into the origins, characteristics, and global influence of Zhejiang Cuisine.
A Brief History
Zhejiang Cuisine originates from Zhejiang Province, a fertile land with a rich cultural and economic legacy that spans thousands of years. Its culinary development traces back to the influence of Confucianism in the southern regions, emphasizing freshness of ingredients and delicate flavors. Over time, Zhejiang Cuisine absorbed culinary techniques and flavors from various sources, gradually forming its distinct style. Hangzhou Cuisine, a famous subset of Zhejiang Cuisine, exemplifies the essence of this culinary tradition.
Characteristics of Zhejiang Cuisine
Zhejiang Cuisine is celebrated for its distinct flavors and unique cooking techniques, characterized by:
- Emphasis on ingredients: Zhejiang Cuisine places a high premium on the freshness and quality of ingredients, particularly seafood and freshwater produce.
- Precision knife skills: Cooking Zhejiang Cuisine requires precision cutting techniques to preserve the essence and original flavors of the ingredients.
- Mastery of heat: Zhejiang Cuisine pays meticulous attention to controlling heat, ensuring tenderness and aromatic flavors in the final dishes.
- Variety of tastes: Zhejiang Cuisine is known for its delicious, light, refreshing flavors with a touch of sweetness and slight acidity.
- Nutritional balance: Zhejiang Cuisine emphasizes the nutritional balance of dishes, satisfying the pursuit of both delectable and healthy dining experiences.
Global Influence
As one of the eight major culinary traditions of China, Zhejiang Cuisine has gained popularity both domestically and internationally. In recent years, its influence has transcended borders.
Serving as a cultural ambassador, Zhejiang Cuisine has made its way to different corners of the world through various promotional activities. Increasingly, people from foreign countries are discovering and developing a taste for the unique flavors and culinary techniques of Zhejiang Cuisine.
Zhejiang Cuisine is well-represented in international hotels, Chinese restaurants, and Asian culinary establishments. It has received accolades and positive reviews in several international culinary competitions.
Zhejiang Cuisine - A Gateway to Eastern Flavors
To sum it up, Zhejiang Cuisine encompasses centuries of culinary mastery, bringing together fresh ingredients, precision cooking, delightful flavors, and a healthy dining experience. Whether you are a culinary enthusiast, a traveler, or someone seeking new gastronomic adventures, exploring Zhejiang Cuisine is a gateway to Eastern flavors that should not be missed!
- 鲜美多样的食材:浙江地处江南水乡,水产资源丰富,因此浙江菜以海鲜和江鲜为主要食材,包括虾、蟹、鱼、蚌等。此外,浙江菜也选用各类蔬菜、禽肉和畜肉,保证了菜品的丰富性和多样性。
- 清淡醇香的口味:浙江菜以清淡为主,强调食材的本味,尽量保持原汁原味。传统的烹调方法包括清蒸、煮、炖等,注重火候和时间的掌握。浙江菜的独特之处在于糖、酱油、醋等调料的使用,使得菜肴口感鲜嫩,醇香四溢。
- 讲究色、香、味的搭配:在浙江菜的制作过程中,讲究色、香、味的统一。食材的切割要细致匀称,色泽要鲜亮诱人。同时,各种调料的搭配要合理,使菜肴香气扑鼻,味道浓郁。
- 注重刀工和制作工艺:浙江菜注重刀工的精细和烹调的工艺。刀工要求娴熟,能够做到大小均匀,形状美观。烹调工艺上,讲究火候的掌握和各种烹调方法的综合运用,以达到最佳的口感和风味。
- 注重季节食材:浙江菜非常注重使用当地的新鲜季节食材,追求自然的鲜美。不同季节所采用的食材也不同,使菜品更加符合时令和季节的特点。
Zhejiang Cuisine, one of the eight major Chinese cuisines, represents the traditional dishes of Zhejiang Province. It is well-known for its freshness, mildness, and unique flavors. Zhejiang Cuisine is greatly influenced by typical Jiangnan cuisine, emphasizing the selection of ingredients and cooking techniques.
The characteristics of Zhejiang Cuisine can be summarized as follows:
- Diverse and delicious ingredients: Located in the water town of Jiangnan, Zhejiang Province is abundant in aquatic resources. Therefore, Zhejiang Cuisine mainly features seafood and freshwater products, including shrimp, crab, fish, and clams. Additionally, various vegetables, poultry, and livestock are also used to ensure the diversity and variety of dishes.
- Mild and savory flavors: Zhejiang Cuisine is generally light and emphasizes the original taste of ingredients. Traditional cooking methods include steaming, boiling, stewing, etc., paying attention to the control of heat and time. The uniqueness of Zhejiang Cuisine lies in the use of sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, and other seasonings, creating dishes that are tender, refreshing, and fragrant.
- Consideration of color, aroma, and taste: During the preparation of Zhejiang Cuisine, great attention is paid to the integration of color, aroma, and taste. Ingredients are finely cut and have a bright and attractive color. Moreover, the combination of various seasonings is carefully balanced to enhance the aroma and flavor of the dishes.
- Emphasis on knife skills and culinary techniques: Zhejiang Cuisine values precision in knife skills and culinary techniques. The cutting techniques require skillfulness to achieve uniform and visually appealing shapes. In terms of culinary techniques, mastery of heat control and the comprehensive application of various cooking methods are emphasized to achieve the best texture and flavor.
- Focus on seasonal ingredients: Zhejiang Cuisine attaches great importance to using fresh seasonal ingredients locally, pursuing natural freshness. Different ingredients are used according to different seasons, making the dishes more in line with the characteristics of the time of year.
With the increasing international influence of China in recent years, Zhejiang Cuisine has also been promoted and publicized internationally. The Zhejiang provincial government actively promotes the international development of Zhejiang Cuisine through cultural exchange activities, participation in international food exhibitions, and more, bringing Zhejiang Cuisine to various parts of the world.
At international food exhibitions, Zhejiang Cuisine often attracts considerable attention from audiences and media. Its exquisite craftsmanship, unique flavors, and meticulous ingredient selection are all highlights. Through exchange and collaboration with foreign chefs, Zhejiang Cuisine has been integrated into international menus.
In addition, Zhejiang Cuisine restaurants have gradually been established in some international metropolises, offering authentic Zhejiang Cuisine to local residents and foreign tourists. These Zhejiang Cuisine restaurants not only enrich the local dining culture but also provide opportunities for more people to learn about and taste Zhejiang Cuisine.
When introducing Zhejiang Cuisine to foreign friends, it is necessary to describe it in English. Here is an English introduction to Zhejiang Cuisine:
Zhejiang Cuisine, also known as Zhe Cuisine, is one of China's most celebrated regional cuisines. Originating from Zhejiang Province in Eastern China, Zhejiang Cuisine is renowned for its fresh and delicate flavors, as well as its emphasis on preserving the natural taste of ingredients. With a history of over a thousand years, Zhejiang Cuisine has developed a culinary tradition that showcases the province's rich agricultural and aquatic resources. From iconic dishes like Dongpo Pork and West Lake Fish in Vinegar Gravy to delicate soups and stir-fried vegetables, Zhejiang Cuisine offers a wide range of delectable creations to satisfy diverse palates.

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