hiahia,现在公布的高端对话主题是“大健康时代的BT创新产业圈”,嘉宾阵容算很强啦,清华大学教授、国际著名神经科学家鲁白是主持人,对话嘉宾有美国国家科学院院士、MIT脑科学研究所所长Robert Desimone(罗伯特·德西蒙),美国科学院院士、斯坦福大学教授、RNA研究权威Dinshaw Patel(D·帕特尔),中科院院士、中国脑卒中协会会长赵继宗,中国工程院院士、北京大学医学部主任詹启敏,转基因脑疾病动物模型方面国际顶级专家、麻省理工大学终身教授冯国平,每一个的头衔都杠杠的。
1. 公司简介
2. 最新发展情况
3. 未来发展计划
4. 结语
Interviewer: Good morning/afternoon. Can you please introduce yourself?
Applicant: Good morning/afternoon. My name is [Your Name], and I am from [Your Country]. I have a bachelor's degree in [Your Field] and have been working in [Your Industry] for [Number of Years]. I am fluent in English, and I am passionate about working in the cruise industry.
Interviewer: Can you tell me about your work experience and relevant skills?
Applicant: Certainly. In my previous role at [Previous Company], I was responsible for [Brief Description of Job Responsibilities]. I also have experience in [Other Relevant Skills]. For example, I am skilled in [Specific Skill] and have excellent communication and problem-solving abilities. I believe these skills will be valuable in a cruise ship environment.
Interviewer: Why are you interested in working for a cruise company?
Applicant: I have always been fascinated by the travel industry, and working on a cruise ship allows me to combine my passion for travel with my professional skills. I am excited about the opportunity to meet people from different cultures and provide exceptional service to passengers. Additionally, the idea of living and working on a luxury cruise ship is extremely appealing to me.
Interviewer: How do you handle stress and adapt to new environments?
Applicant: I am a highly adaptable person and thrive in challenging environments. I have developed effective stress management skills through my previous work experiences. For example, I prioritize tasks, break them down into manageable steps, and stay organized to ensure smooth operations. I also believe in maintaining a positive attitude and strong communication with my colleagues, which helps create a supportive and collaborative work environment.
Interviewer: How do you contribute to team collaboration and build positive relationships with colleagues?
Applicant: I believe that effective teamwork is crucial for success in any work environment. I am a good listener and value the input and ideas of my colleagues. I actively participate in team meetings, offer support and assistance when needed, and promote open and respectful communication. Building positive relationships with colleagues is important to me, as it fosters a harmonious and productive work environment.
Applicant: Thank you for taking the time to interview me. Before we conclude, I have a couple of questions. What are the opportunities for career growth within the company? Could you also tell me about the company culture and values?
面试官: 你好,请介绍一下你自己。
应聘者: 你好,我叫李华,来自中国北京。我毕业于北京外国语大学,主修英语专业,在校期间我积极参与英语角活动,提高了我的口语表达能力。毕业后,我在一家国际公司工作了两年,主要负责与外国客户的日常沟通和协调工作。
面试官: 邮轮行业对英语要求很高,你的英语水平怎么样?
应聘者: 我自认为我的英语水平非常不错。我通过了大学英语六级考试,我也经常阅读英语文学作品,通过与外国友人的交流,我不断提高了我的听说能力。我也自学了一些关于邮轮行业的专业英语词汇和表达。
面试官: 你为什么想要在我们公司工作?
应聘者: 首先,我对邮轮行业非常感兴趣。我喜欢旅行和探索不同的文化。邮轮旅行不仅给人们带来美丽的景色,也提供了丰富多彩的娱乐活动。我希望能通过工作在这个领域有所贡献。同时,我了解到贵公司在邮轮行业拥有卓越的声誉,以及提供员工良好的培训和晋升机会。这正是我想要的发展平台。
面试官: 邮轮工作需要团队协作精神,你认为自己是否适合这种工作环境?
应聘者: 是的,我相信我是一个具备良好团队协作精神的人。在我的上一份工作中,我与来自不同国家和文化背景的同事合作良好。我乐于倾听并尊重他人的意见,我也能够有效地与团队成员合作解决问题。我相信只有大家都齐心协力,我们才能取得共同的成功。
面试官: 你对客户服务有什么理解?
应聘者: 我认为客户服务是一项非常重要的工作,尤其是在邮轮行业。我们作为公司的代表,必须始终以友善、专业和高效的态度对待客户。我们需要倾听客户的需求和意见,并提供满足他们期望的解决方案。同时,我们也要处理客户投诉,并确保他们在整个旅程中都能感到舒适和愉快。
面试官: 有没有遇到过困难的客户?你是如何解决的?
应聘者: 是的,我遇到过一位非常不满意的客户。他对我们的服务提出了多项投诉。我首先向他表达了歉意,并倾听他的抱怨。然后,我详细解释了出现问题的原因并提出了解决方案。通过细致耐心的沟通,我最终成功地解决了客户的问题,并使他对我们的服务感到满意。
面试官: 对于长时间的邮轮航行,你是否适应?
应聘者: 是的,我对长时间的邮轮航行有所了解,并且我相信自己能够适应。我具备良好的心理素质和身体健康。在我旅行和工作的经历中,我已经习惯了适应不同的环境和时间区域。我相信在邮轮上工作将是一种有趣和有挑战性的经历,我能够充分利用这个机会发展自己。
面试官: 你对工作时间和待遇有什么要求?
应聘者: 我愿意遵守公司的工作时间安排,并愿意根据需要调整工作时间。关于待遇,我希望能够获得合理的薪资和福利待遇。当然,更重要的是我希望能够通过工作获得成长和提升的机会。
1. 上海至长崎
2. 天津至济州岛
3. 广州至马尼拉
4. 厦门至台北
5. 青岛至釜山
- 了解邮轮行业:在面试过程中,了解邮轮行业的背景和相关知识会让你在面试中更加自信。你可以阅读相关的书籍或者在网上查找相关的信息。
- 了解邮轮公司:在申请邮轮公司之前,你应该对公司的背景、船只类型和目的地有一定的了解。这样你在面试过程中可以展示你对该公司的兴趣和热情。
- 准备常见问题:在面试中,面试官通常会问一些常见的问题,比如你的工作经验、优点和缺点等。提前准备这些问题的回答可以让你更加从容地应对面试。
1. 自我介绍
1. 面试官:您为什么要应聘我们的公司?
2. 面试官:您在以前的工作中如何应对繁忙的工作环境?
3. 面试官:您如何处理与乘客的投诉?
1. 欢迎乘客上船
2. 推荐活动
3. 提供帮助
贴上2015 APCE CEO峰会马云演讲英文原文,请自取。
Good morning everyone. I am very excited to be back to the APEC.
Honestly, I never thought that I would be able to stand here, talking to so many wonderful CEOs and business leaders about my dream: 16 years ago, in my apartment... 18 people sat there and we discussed that we wanted to use the Internet to help small business in the world. And I made a talk to my 17 colleagues about our vision, how Internet is going to change. And I said one thing: if we people can be successful, 80 percent of the Chinese people can be successful.
'Cause we are the people without resources, we are the people without money, we are the people without relationships, and we are the people without even knowing the technology. Among the 18 people, there are only two people who understand something about computers and the other 16 people know nothing – including me. Until today, the only thing I know about a computer is receive and send e-mails, browse, and watch video.
I said 80 percent of people in this will, like me, love technology but we are scared of the technology. So, we have to make sure the Internet is simple enough that everybody has just a down click... get what they want. So, that was the beginning. And we say, let's prove it and we will compete with the people from... 'cause we're not well-educated people at that time. Most of the 18 people... we graduated from very poor, lower-level universities which we believe they were the best universities in the world. These are the people that would change the world.
So, we say we will compete with people from Harvard, from Yale, from Berkley. But we were never scared, 'cause we work as a team. We have the dream. We believe that if we work for 15 years, we will make it. So, 16 years passed. What we have achieved... We've been growing fast.
Just to give you one example: What we've done last Wednesday, the Singles' Day, November 11 in China. People who do not have a boyfriend or girlfriend will say, what are you gonna do? Other people have boyfriend, girlfriend. Go shopping. We made a day after seven years... very interesting. This year, we sold $14.5 billion. Forty-five million people coming concurrently on the mobile phone. Imagine that today, on a mobile phone, everyday, we have 120 million people shopping using mobile phones on our site.
The sales alone... we could not imagine 15 years ago. Of course, I did not buy anything because that day we have more than one billion products listed on the site. What I'm interested in is how we can use this technology to influence more people to help more small businesses in the world. If China can do it, why can't other nations do it? We have helped 12 million businesses in China, small business using our platform to sell online, to communicate with our customers online. We believe if this model works in China, why can't it work in other nations?
People would say – 10 years ago, when I talk to venture capitalists, trying to raise some money for Alibaba – Wow, no! China e-commerce? Forget it, because you don't have this, you don't have that, you don't have credentials. You don't have a bank, you don't have logistics. You're such a country with poor infrastructure.
But I tell you one thing, one of the reasons why China e-commerce grew faster than the United States is because the infrastructure of commerce in China was too bad. Because we don't have this, we don't have that, when Internet came, we made the infrastructure really work, and it's sophisticated. But in America, because the Wal-Mart... all the retailers are everywhere, so e-commerce is just like a dessert. In China, e-commerce became the main course.
And this Singles' Day... We had people from all over 200 countries join this shopping day. And this is almost bigger than the United Nations. And 60 percent of the shoppers were women, 40 percent men. And, by the way, the infrastructure of using e-commerce is so amazing and so complicated, we... finished 80 percent of transactions per second. That day, we created more than 600 million packages because in the afternoon, we have to slow down the sales, otherwise the whole China logistics system would crash.
This record is not created by Alibaba, it's created by the small guys, the young people, the small businesses. And I would tell you there are about more than 10 million businesses today in China that try to sell, try to do their business online. People sitting here, mostly we are from the Fortune 500, we only have 500 companies that are able to be here, but I hope in the next 10, 20 years... the small guys, those people who are very small today, they will be big in the future and they will be the people standing here speaking and most people will listen.
By the way, can I ask: How many people here were born after the 1980s? Good, there are some here. Congratulations! You are the hope of ours. There are about 1.5 billion in this world born after 1980s. This generation is called Internet Generation. They're different from my grandfather. My grandfather knows the news by the newspaper. He said, Well, the newspaper said... So, everything the newspaper said, he believed in it. My grandfather listened to the radio. He said, 'Radio said!' Everything the radio said, he believed it.
My generation watched TV, and my son's generation they grow, they breath, they base everything on the internet. Guys, let's think about this generation, 1.5 billion people, they are different from ours. How we can change ourselves to meet their needs? This is the challenge.
So, I want that these young people and most of the people who were born in the 1980s, they make the business based on the technology, based on the innovation, based on the things. I think, in the future, we will see more companies like Apple, Alibaba, Amazon, and E-Bay, and Facebook from those people who were born after 1980s.
I remember in 2001 when I first joined the World Economic Forum in Davos. I was first invited... and... invited to going there talking about globalization. I was so shocked, because in China I heard that globalization was great. When I arrived there, people were throwing stones... and military police... like, everybody was against globalization. And I say, What happened? Is there something different about the globalization we heard and the globalization they did? I was puzzled, but I think in the past 13 years, globalization really helped pump up the global economy... helped the big companies. It helped the developing nations, the developing countries... Small guys did not benefit enough from the globalization.
What we should do... What we get helping more people, helping developing nations, helping more small guys, young people... Because if we do not help, there are more and more disasters coming.
The reason why we're choosing Alibaba... People, you know, the name Alibaba... Why you choose a name, such a strange name. First, it starts with A, we rank at the top... Alibaba. And we have a vision that Alibaba and the 40 thieves, open sesame, for the other people to benefit, to take advantage of the treasury.
We think Alibaba means open sesame online. There are so many treasures, great things online. How we can use these kinds of treasures to distribute, let the whole world benefit from it.
Just to say every free trade is the best tool to make people understand each other. Trade is the best thing, trading is not about the trading of the products, trading is about the culture. It's about the passion, it's about innovation and the creation.
We think whatever country you are, no matter whatever size company you are, trade is a freedom, trade is a human right. Trade should not be used as the tool against the other nations. So we think we should build up a new WTO or a WTO 2.0.
Past 20 years, WTO, big companies. Next 20 years, we should use WTO to support small guys. 'Cause if we cannot change it, it will be disaster for everybody. Small guys are the most innovative companies, 'cause 15 years ago we had this idea about using internet to help small guys in China. Everybody said, No, impossible. We say, well, our job is to make impossible possible, 'cause we don't have the jobs. Why not do it?
I think – let's think about the WTO – was an agreement between governments, and I think a real trade treaty should be an agreement of the businesses. The businesses agree, the government will follow. If the governments agree on the business treaty because of political reasons, because the governments hate each other, all the businesses go nowhere. That is why we've been waiting for the Doha Round for so many, so many... When I was a boy, I heard about WTO... Now, I'm still waiting for the results.
Let's working on some solution, which I don't have a proper name for it. Maybe it should WTO 2.0 or e-WTO. Let's agree something that really can help the small guys. Let's say- imagine today Philippine people can buy online things from Argentina, buy things from Norway, buy things from Africa.
Let's think about a small business in Africa that can sell things, 'cause I went to some of the nations, small countries. They have very good tourist gifts, but people there they don't buy it. But online, we find it, it's cool, I never saw these kinds of gifts from the small countries.
Cross the nations would be great. And our suggestion is the country. If you really believe this is good, let's give it one million US dollars, euros if the small businesses sell to the other nation. Less than one minute every year, we should give the duty free. Only giving all kinds of support to making sure the small guys can go across. We build the infrastructure on the payment, we build up the infrastructure of the logistics system.
People may say, it's so complicated, there are a lot of negotiations among the governments. Let's do it online first, 'cause today our sales in China this year is $500 billion. It's almost the same size as a Wal-Mart. And it's mainly in China. If we had negotiations with all the governments and provinces, this will go nowhere because they will never agree with each other. Because we never negotiate with them, we made this thing happen.
Finally, I wanna say human beings are entering a new world. The free technology... We are the luckiest of people of the world, of the century. First, the technological revolution happened in the UK, took about 50 years. The first 20 years about technology... The next 30 years were about the implementation. The second technology age happened in the United States. First 20 years, technology... Next 30 years is about implementation of the technology.
Now, Internet. We're just past 20 years. The next 30 years is how we can implement this thing into everybody's life, into every aspect of life. So every technology takes about 50 years. Think about it. The first technology... We have the organization called the factory and it caused the First World War. The second of tech knowledge, we have the organization called the company, and we have the second world war.
People don't worry about today. All their problems are on the internet. We should have the Third World war against the poverty, climate change, and the disease. The first tech knowledge released people's muscle. The second technology released the distance... people... how far you can go. So, now that's why we see the Mars, we see the moons. But we know so little about ourselves, our inside, of the heart.
I think this tech knowledge is release of the brain, and this is gonna change a big... The world is gonna be changed a lot. A lot of women leaders will be there. We have to build up a world that is more transparent, a world that is more inclusive, a world that is more caring for the others, empower the others.
I'm very optimistic of the future. I believe the trust of the young people. Believe them, help them, empower them. Because we are entering into a world that should be innovative. There are a lot of problems. But, as always, my philosophy of doing business... This is my philosophy. I wanna share with you. Today's difficult. Tomorrow's much more difficult. But the day after tomorrow is beautiful. Most people die tomorrow evening.
You got a working heart. You gotta work with the others. You gotta entrust the future. You should always have the hope. Try to make sure that it's not on the movies you see Mission Impossible. It's on the real life you have to make mission possible.
Thank you very, very much.

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