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  1. 星海广场:这是大连最著名的观光胜地之一,位于滨海大道的起点。您可以在广场上漫步,欣赏大连湾的美景,感受海风的清凉。晚上,广场灯光亮起,还可看到迷人的夜景。
  2. 老虎滩:这是大连最著名的海滩之一,被誉为“东北第一滩”。在这里,您可以沙滩漫步,参加各种水上活动,还可以品尝新鲜的海鲜美食。
  3. 金石滩:这是一个以奇特的自然石景而闻名的景区,被誉为“东方的雕塑艺术”。在金石滩,您可以观赏到形态各异的奇石,欣赏大海的壮丽景色。



  1. 大连日俄战争博物馆:这是一个关于中日战争历史的博物馆,展示了当时的战斗场景和历史文物。在这里,您可以了解到关于大连的重要历史事件。
  2. 大连圣亚纳教堂:这是一座典型的罗马式建筑,是大连最古老的教堂之一。教堂内部装饰精美,是一处具有历史和艺术价值的地方。
  3. 大连人民广场:这是大连市中心的一个广场,也是政治、经济、文化活动的中心。您可以在这里欣赏到大连的城市风貌,感受到浓厚的都市氛围。



  • 海鲜:作为一个沿海城市,大连以其新鲜的海鲜而闻名。您可以品尝到各种鲜美的海鲜,如鲍鱼、海胆、扇贝等。
  • 烤鱼:大连有着独特的烤鱼文化,以炭烤的方式烹制鱼类。烤鱼香味扑鼻,鱼肉鲜嫩多汁,是许多游客喜爱的美食。
  • 锅包肉:这是大连的传统名菜之一,将肉块裹上蛋糊炸制,再用特制的酱汁浇在上面。锅包肉香脆可口,是一道不可错过的美味。
  • 冷面:大连的冷面是夏季的一道经典美食,面条细滑爽口,搭配上各种配料,清凉解暑。





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Complete Cruise Travel Guide: Discover the Charms of Dalian

As one of the important port cities in Northeast China, Dalian is not only a bustling trade center, but also a popular destination for cruise travel. Dalian boasts unique natural beauty and rich historical and cultural heritage, attracting numerous tourists to explore its wonders. Whether you want to savor local delicacies, experience coastal life, visit historical sites, or simply enjoy a comfortable cruise journey, Dalian has everything you need. In this comprehensive cruise travel guide, we will introduce the highlights of Dalian to help you make the most of your cruise trip and immerse yourself in the charm of this city.

1. Explore Dalian's Natural Beauty

Located at the southern tip of the Liaodong Peninsula, Dalian offers a long coastline and spectacular natural landscapes. When cruising in Dalian, make sure not to miss the following must-visit attractions:

  1. Xinghai Square: This is one of the most famous tourist spots in Dalian, situated at the starting point of Binhai Road. You can take a leisurely stroll on the square, enjoy the beautiful view of Dalian Bay, and feel the cool sea breeze. At night, the square lights up, offering a charming night scene.
  2. Tiger Beach: Known as one of the most famous beaches in Dalian, Tiger Beach is referred to as the "Number One Beach in Northeast China." Here, you can walk along the sandy beach, participate in various water activities, and indulge in fresh seafood.
  3. Golden Pebble Beach: This scenic area is famous for its unique rock formations, often called the "Oriental Sculpture Art." At Golden Pebble Beach, you can admire various strangely shaped rocks and enjoy the magnificent view of the sea.

2. Experience Dalian's Historical and Cultural Heritage

As a city with a history of hundreds of years, Dalian has a wealth of historical and cultural heritage and unique architectural styles. During your cruise journey, you can visit the following historical and cultural sites to learn about Dalian's past and present:

  1. Dalian Russo-Japanese War Museum: This museum showcases the history of the Sino-Japanese War and displays the wartime scenes and historical artifacts. Here, you can gain insights into the important historical events related to Dalian.
  2. Dalian St. Anna Church: This is a typical Romanesque architecture and one of the oldest churches in Dalian. With exquisite interior decorations, the church holds historical and artistic value.
  3. Dalian People's Square: Located in the city center, this square is the political, economic, and cultural hub of Dalian. You can appreciate the city's skyline here and immerse yourself in the vibrant urban atmosphere.

3. Indulge in Dalian's Culinary Culture

Dalian is a city of diverse ethnic groups, offering a rich and varied culinary culture. During your cruise journey, make sure to try the following local specialties in Dalian:

  • Seafood: As a coastal city, Dalian is renowned for its fresh seafood. You can enjoy various delicious seafood dishes such as abalone, sea urchin, and scallops.
  • Grilled Fish: Dalian has a unique culture of grilled fish, which involves charcoal grilling of various fish species. The grilled fish is fragrant and the meat is tender and juicy, appealing to many visitors.
  • Guo Bao Rou: This is one of Dalian's traditional famous dishes, featuring fried meat pieces coated with egg batter and topped with a special sauce. Guo Bao Rou is crispy and delicious, a must-try delicacy.
  • Leng Mian (Cold Noodles): Leng Mian is a classic summer dish in Dalian. The noodles are smooth and refreshing, accompanied by various toppings, perfect for cooling down on hot days.

4. Enjoy a Comfortable Cruise Journey

As an important port for cruise ships, Dalian offers great convenience for cruise travel. You can choose different routes and cruise companies according to your schedule and preferences. On a comfortable cruise ship, you can fully indulge in cozy cabins, delectable cuisine, entertainment facilities, and various activities. Moreover, the unique scenery during the voyage, whether it's the sunrise or sunset on the sea or the vast blue ocean, will leave you with unforgettable memories.

In conclusion, Dalian, with its combination of natural beauty and historical and cultural attractions, attracts tourists with its unique charm. Whether it's admiring the sea views, delving into history, savoring delicious food, or enjoying the journey itself, Dalian offers a memorable cruise experience. We hope this complete cruise travel guide provides you with valuable information and suggestions for your visit to Dalian.

Today, an increasing number of people choose cruise travel to seek different travel experiences. Dalian, as a diverse and vibrant city, is an ideal choice for travelers. Whether you are a shopping enthusiast, a food explorer, or a culture lover, Dalian can fulfill your needs. We believe that in this fascinating city of Dalian, you will have an unforgettable time during your cruise journey.
