
62 2024-01-04 06:14




1. 做好旅行前的准备


2. 寻找语言友好的旅游景点


3. 预订导游或参加旅行团


4. 寻找会说中文的当地向导


5. 利用手势和肢体语言


6. 尝试使用翻译工具


7. 认识其他会讲同一语言的游客


8. 不要害怕向当地人寻求帮助




html What to Do When Traveling to New Zealand Without Speaking English?

What to Do When Traveling to New Zealand Without Speaking English?

For many people, New Zealand is a desirable travel destination. This country boasts beautiful natural scenery, unique culture, and abundant tourism resources. However, non-English speaking tourists may face some language barriers. In this article, we will introduce some solutions for travelers who do not speak English when visiting New Zealand.

1. Prepare before the Trip

Try to make some preparations before coming to New Zealand. Download some travel translation apps that can assist you with language communication. Additionally, learn some basic common phrases such as greetings, thank you, and asking for help. These will be helpful for your communication during the journey.

2. Choose Language-Friendly Tourist Attractions

During your trip to New Zealand, you can choose some language-friendly tourist attractions. These attractions usually offer guided tours in multiple languages and provide information materials in various languages. Choosing these attractions will help you better understand relevant information and reduce language barriers in communication.

3. Book Guides or Join Tour Groups

If you are unfamiliar with New Zealand or not good at arranging your own itinerary, you can choose to book guides or join tour groups. Guides and tour groups usually provide professional services and can help you with language-related difficulties. They can assist you in smoothly visiting attractions and provide insights into the local history, culture, and traditions.

4. Look for Chinese-Speaking Local Guides

In New Zealand, there are some local guides who can speak Chinese. Booking a local guide who understands Chinese can make your travel process more convenient. They can provide you with deeper insights, take you to unique attractions, and answer various questions you may have.

5. Make Use of Gestures and Body Language

Language barriers do not mean that communication is impossible. Making use of gestures and body language can help you communicate with locals in a simplified way. For example, you can use hand gestures to indicate directions or use body language to express your needs. Although this form of communication is simple, it can often solve basic problems.

6. Try Translation Tools

When faced with communication obstacles with locals, try using translation tools for communication. There are many translation apps or devices that can assist you with real-time translation. These tools can translate your language into the local language or vice versa, facilitating communication.

7. Meet Others Who Speak the Same Language

During your journey, you may meet other tourists who don't speak English. Getting to know these individuals can provide an opportunity for mutual communication. You can share travel experiences, help each other overcome language barriers, and enjoy a pleasant trip together.

8. Don't Hesitate to Ask Locals for Help

In New Zealand, most locals are very friendly and helpful. If you encounter difficulties or need assistance during your trip, don't hesitate to ask locals for help. They are usually willing to assist you in solving problems and provide guidance and suggestions.


Although not speaking English may bring some challenges to your travel in New Zealand, it is not an insurmountable problem. By making preparations before the trip, choosing language-friendly tourist attractions, booking guides or joining tour groups, looking for Chinese-speaking local guides, making use of gestures and body language, trying translation tools, meeting others who speak the same language, and asking locals for help, you can better enjoy your journey in New Zealand. Regardless of the language barrier, the beautiful scenery of New Zealand and the hospitality of its people will still give you wonderful memories.
