1.首先 给焊机通电。
二、Learn the Abbreviations of Welding Systems
Welding is a crucial process in various industries, including manufacturing, construction, and automotive. Understanding the abbreviations commonly used in welding systems can help professionals in the field communicate more efficiently and effectively. In this article, we will explore the key abbreviations that are frequently encountered in the welding industry.
1. GTAW - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
GTAW, also known as TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding, is a popular welding method that uses a tungsten electrode and an inert gas, typically argon, to create a high-quality weld. This process is commonly used for welding thin materials, such as stainless steel and aluminum, as it produces precise and clean welds.
2. GMAW - Gas Metal Arc Welding
GMAW, also referred to as MIG (Metal Inert Gas) welding, is a versatile welding process that uses a continuously fed wire electrode and a shielding gas, such as argon or a mixture of argon and carbon dioxide. This method is commonly used in manufacturing and fabrication industries due to its high welding speed and ease of use.
3. SMAW - Shielded Metal Arc Welding
SMAW, commonly known as stick welding, is one of the oldest and most widely used welding processes. It involves the use of a flux-coated electrode and a power source to create an electric arc between the electrode and the base metal. SMAW is known for its versatility and ability to produce strong welds, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.
4. FCAW - Flux-Cored Arc Welding
FCAW is a welding process similar to GMAW but uses a tubular wire filled with flux instead of a solid wire electrode. The flux in the wire generates a shielding gas to protect the weld pool from atmospheric contamination. FCAW is commonly used in outdoor welding applications and is known for its high deposition rates.
5. SAW - Submerged Arc Welding
SAW is a welding process that involves the formation of an arc between a continuously fed wire electrode and the workpiece. The arc is shielded by a granular flux that covers the weld pool, preventing atmospheric contamination. SAW is often used for welding thick materials and can achieve high deposition rates.
These are just a few of the many abbreviations used in the welding industry. Other notable abbreviations include:
- - GMAW - Gas Metal Arc Welding
- - FCAW - Flux-Cored Arc Welding
- - SMAW - Shielded Metal Arc Welding
- - SAW - Submerged Arc Welding
- - PAW - Plasma Arc Welding
- - ESW - Electroslag Welding
It is important for professionals in the welding industry to be familiar with these abbreviations as they often appear in technical documents, equipment manuals, and welding certifications. By understanding these abbreviations, professionals can communicate more effectively and efficiently in their field.
Thank you for reading this article. We hope that it has provided valuable insights into the various abbreviations used in welding systems. By familiarizing yourself with these abbreviations, you can enhance your knowledge and understanding of the welding industry, ultimately improving your communication and productivity as a welding professional.
三、stick welding是什么意思?
stick welding
1.When the welding current is added, the fusion quality of welding stick will increase, so the weld reinforcement also will increase.
2.Specification for welding of vertical down stick welding of pipes
3.Development of Carbon Welding Stick Steel with Continuous Casting
Soldering: [ sɔldəriŋ ] 软焊, 锡焊, 低温焊接, 热焊接, 软钎焊 例句与用法1. He soldered the wire back on. 他把金属丝重新焊上去了。 Welding: [ weldiŋ ] 焊接法, 定位焊接 例句与用法1. Some of the students are welding capacitors; the others resistors. 学生中的一些人在焊接电容,另一些人在焊接电阻。
2. Some of the students are welding capacitor; the others resistor. 学生中的一些人在焊接电容,另一些人在焊接电阻。
3. On reaching welding heat, the metal surfaces are pressed together. 当金属表面达到焊接热度时就会压在一起。
4. In accordance with his instructions they suspended work on the welding apparatus. 按照他的指示,他们暂时停止了设计焊接装置的工作。
五、socket welding是什么意思?
socket welding 承插焊接 套管焊;套焊式;套焊法兰例句筛选1.Forged steel socket welding fittings锻钢制承插焊管件2.Ball valves threaded, socket-welding, solder joint, grooved and flaredends.球阀螺纹,承插焊接,焊接连接,带槽和扩口连接。
通常我们所讲的焊接 指的是 welding, 是电弧焊接的统称, 比如氩弧焊 气保焊等Brazing 准确的称呼是钎焊。是在母材不熔化的情况下 利用热源把钎料熔化后把基材实现连接, 通常所说气焊 就是属于这种soldering 的做法跟brazing类似, 只是加热的温度比brazing要低。 通常所说的 电烙铁 就是这种钎焊方式。

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