词根:ced, ceed, cess
词根cess的含义:go: 行走,前进 词根cess的解释: 词根cess的来源:
an 加强 + cest〔= cess〕行走,前进 + or 表人 → 走了很久的人 → 祖先
ante 前面 + ced 行走,前进 + ent 具有…性质的,关于…的 → 先行的;以前的
ced 行走,前进 + e →〔使〕走开 → 割让
ex 出 + ceed 行走,前进 → 走出去 → 超越
inter 在…之间 + ced 行走,前进 + e → 在两者中间走 → 调停
ced, ceed, cess=go,表示“行走,前进”
cede割让,放弃(cede走 走开 割让)
accede答应,同意(ac+cede 和别人走在一起 答应)
antecede先行,先于(ante前+cede 走在前面 先行)
ancestor祖先祖宗(an=ante+cest=cess+or 走在前面的人 祖先)
intercede调停仲裁(inter在…中间+cede 在二者中间走 调解)
precede在先,优于(pre预称+cede 预先走 优走)
precedent先例惯例(precede+ent 预先走的东西 先例)
procedure程序手续(pro在前+ced+ure 在前面走完的程序)
recede撤回交还(领土)(re后+cede 向后走 撤退)
secede脱离退出(se分开+cede 分开走 脱离)
proceed继续进行,前进(pro向前+ceed 向前走 前进)
proceeds收入结果(pro+ceed+s表复数 向前做事得到的收入)
ACCESS集团秉承“每一天,越享生活”(Everyday Better Life) 的使命,将品牌带给全球各地的消费者。[3]建立起以产业收购为切入点的战略赋能模式、以生态化管理与深度运营相结合的孵化模式及以代理经销为主的深度经销模式三种创新型品牌管理机制,致力于实现优质品牌好物“全球买、全球卖、全球造”。
succession [见上] 继承,相继,继任,接续
successive [ -ive ...的] 相继的,连续的,连接的
recede [ re-反,回, ced行; "往回行"-->] 后退,退却,引退,退缩
recession [re- 反,回, cess行; -ion 名词后缀; "回行"-->]后退,退回
cess词根= go 行走
ced(ced 也作 ceed,cess) = go 行走
你最熟悉的词式 go ,
只识一个 go 远远不够.
你若知道 ced 也是 "行走",
precedent [pre- 先,前,ced 行,-ent名词后缀,表示物]先行的事物,前例,先例
;(注意)[-ent 也可作形容词后缀,表示 .的]先行的,在前的
precedented [见上,-ed 的] 有先例的,有前例的
unprecedented [un- 无,见上] 无先例的,空前的
precede [pre- 先,前,ced 行] 先行,领先,居先,优先
preceding [见上,-ing 形容词后缀 的] 在前的,在先的
exceed [ ex-以外,超出,ceed-行,"超越而行"-->] 超过,越过,胜过
1. access(n. 入口,通道;接近,进入权)
2. excess(n. 过度,过剩;无节制)
3. process(n. 过程,进程;制作方法,工序)
4. progress(n. 进步,进展;前进,行进)
5. success(n. 成功;成就,成果)
6. address(n. 地址,住址;演讲,致辞)
7. obsess(v. 使着迷,使困扰;使缠住)
8. stress(n. 压力,应力;强调,重要性)
9. depress(v. 使沮丧,使消沉;压制,降低)
10. regress(v. 倒退,回归;衰退,退化)
以下是我的回答,以“cess”结尾的动词在英语中并不常见,但以下是一些例子:access:这个动词的意思是“接近”或“进入”。例如:“I had to get special access to the library's rare books collection.”(我必须得到特殊许可才能进入图书馆的珍稀书籍收藏区。)cessation:虽然这个词通常被看作是一个名词,表示“停止”或“中止”,但它也可以作为动词使用,意为“停止”。例如:“The cessation of hostilities was announced late last night.”(停战的消息是在昨晚很晚的时候才宣布的。)concession:同样,这个词通常被看作名词,表示“让步”或“妥协”。作为动词时,它的意思是“让步”或“妥协”。例如:“After much debate, the government was forced to concession on the tax issue.”(经过长时间的辩论,政府被迫在税收问题上作出让步。)请注意,这些动词的使用可能并不常见,并且在某些情况下可能被视为非标准用法。在使用这些词时,最好确认它们在特定上下文中的适用性和准确性。
九、India Education Cess and Surcharge: An Overview
Understanding India Education Cess and Surcharge
In India, the government has implemented various taxes and levies to generate revenue for different purposes. One such measure is the Education Cess and Surcharge. These additional charges are imposed on top of existing taxes to support educational initiatives and specific developmental projects in the country. Let's delve into the details of the India Education Cess and Surcharge.
What is Education Cess?
Education Cess is a tax imposed by the Indian government to fund education-related programs and schemes. It was introduced in 2004 as a 2% surcharge on income tax and corporate tax, with the aim to improve the quality of education across the country. The funds collected through this cess are utilized for initiatives such as building schools, improving infrastructure, and promoting research and development in the education sector.
Understanding Surcharge
Surcharge, on the other hand, is an additional tax levied by the government to generate funds for specific purposes. It is applied as a percentage of the base tax amount. In India, surcharges are often imposed to finance particular projects, such as infrastructure development or social welfare programs. Revenue from surcharges is directed towards these targeted initiatives to ensure their successful implementation.
Current Rates and Applicability
As of now, the Education Cess and Surcharge rates in India vary depending on the type of tax and income bracket. For income tax, the Education Cess stands at 4% of the total tax liability, while the Surcharge rates vary from 0% to 15% depending on the income slab. Similarly, different surcharge rates apply to corporate tax as well, with the objective of generating substantial revenue for developmental projects.
Utilization of Funds
The funds collected through the Education Cess and Surcharge are primarily utilized for educational purposes and targeted development projects. The government invests these funds in various initiatives such as improving primary and secondary education, supporting research and development in higher education institutions, and promoting infrastructure growth in the education sector. Additionally, the surcharge funds are used to finance critical projects that contribute to the overall development of the nation.
The India Education Cess and Surcharge play a crucial role in financing educational initiatives and specific developmental projects in the country. These additional charges, imposed on top of existing taxes, contribute to the overall growth and enhancement of education. By understanding the nature and purpose of these levies, individuals and businesses can better comprehend their tax obligations and contribute to the nation's progress.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope it has provided you with a comprehensive overview of India Education Cess and Surcharge, shedding light on their purpose and significance.
十、Understanding the Rate of Education Cess on Income Tax
In India, the education cess on income tax is a crucial component of the tax structure. It is an additional levy imposed on individuals and entities to fund various educational initiatives across the country. In this article, we will delve into the details of the education cess, including its rate, purpose, and impact.
What is Education Cess?
Education cess is a surcharge that is levied on the income tax payable by individuals, Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs), and other taxpayer categories in India. The funds generated from this cess are primarily used to improve the quality of education and enhance educational facilities in the country.
Rate of Education Cess
The rate of education cess on income tax has varied over the years. Currently, it stands at 4% of the total income tax payable. This means that if an individual's income tax liability is INR 1,00,000, an additional INR 4,000 will be added as education cess, making the total tax payable INR 1,04,000. It's important to note that education cess is calculated on the amount of income tax payable, not the total income earned.
Purpose of Education Cess
The main objective of levying education cess is to bridge the gap in educational infrastructure and resources. The funds collected through the cess are allocated towards initiatives such as building schools, training teachers, and providing scholarships to students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. By investing in education, the government aims to empower the future generation and create a skilled workforce that can contribute to the nation's development.
Impact on Taxpayers
While the education cess adds an additional burden on taxpayers, it is important to recognize its long-term benefits. By financing educational initiatives, the cess plays a crucial role in shaping the education landscape of the country. The improved education system not only leads to individual growth and employment opportunities but also bolsters the overall economic development of the nation.
It's worth noting that education cess is separate from other taxes or charges such as the Goods and Services Tax (GST) or surcharges on specific transactions. It is specifically earmarked for educational purposes and is crucial for the betterment of the education sector in India.
In conclusion, the rate of education cess on income tax in India currently stands at 4%. This additional surcharge is meant to fund educational initiatives and enhance the overall quality of education in the country. While it adds to the tax liability of individuals and entities, it plays a vital role in ensuring a brighter future for the next generation. We express our gratitude to readers for taking the time to go through this article, and we hope it provides valuable insights into the education cess and its impact.

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