apm terminalsAPM码头双语对照例句:
1.In 2006, when apm terminals took over, there were shanty towns in the port and vesselshad to wait 30 days to berth. 当2006年接手apm码头时,港口周边尽是些破旧的小镇,船只往往要等上30天才能停泊。
2.Yet, despite current problems, conditions are, according to william ross, a seniormanager at apm terminals apapa, immeasurably better than before privatisation. 不过,尽管目前存在着种种问题,但在阿帕帕apm码头的高级经理威廉罗斯(william ross)看来,如今的情况已经比私有化前大有改观。

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