1.您好!(第一次见面)How do you do?
2.您好!见到您很高兴。How do you do? I’m very glad to meet you.
3.让我来介绍一下在座的各位先生。林先生,我们厂的厂长;王先生,厂长总工;吴先生,船体车间主任。Let me introduce the gentlemen present here. This is Mr.Lin, our shipyard manager; Mr.Wang, our chief engineer. Mr.Wu, director of the hull shop.
4.欢迎您到我们船厂来!welcome to our shipyard!
5.请坐!Sit down please.
6.好的,谢谢!Thank you.
7.请喝茶。please have a cup of tea.
8.喂,您好吗?(熟人之间)Hi, how are you?
9.很好,谢谢。您好吗?Fine, thank you, and how are you?
10.很好,谢谢!Very well, thanks.
11.我们现在就开始工作好吗?Shall we start our work now?
12.好的。OK .
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